Know Your Motivations

Kevin Drum thinks President Trump’s frantic delaying tactics vis a vis the Presidential Election results are down to mental illness:

The real answer requires us to take seriously what so many of us have been saying all along: Donald Trump is nuts. To put it a little more conventionally, he’s such an extreme narcissist that he can’t believe he lost. He literally can’t believe he lost. So his brain makes up stories for him, and the only plausible story in the face of hard numbers is that his enemies cheated. So that’s what he believes. And he’ll believe it forever. There’s no more chance of changing his mind on this than there is of changing the mind of someone in an asylum who believes he’s Jesus Christ.

For me, it’s too pat. And it betrays an unconscious bias: that a person in a particular sphere shares the same general goals and motivations as do others. Most politically ambitious people are looking to put their stamp on the world, or be known for their service and leadership.

This is not true of Donald Trump.  For him, money and some prestige are at stake, and that’s it.

So follow the motivations. Follow the money. Follow his debts. Connect the dots that will make the heavens open up their dollars for Trump and his family. Then it starts making sense. The clues are already coming to the surface.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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