Big Old Sign: ‘Stop and Consider’

13WOWK reports on a West Virginia political poll:

In the race for U.S. president, President Donald Trump (R) holds a 56% to 38% lead over Democratic nominee Joe Biden, according to the poll. 4.8% said they were still unsure of which candidate they would be voting for on Election Day.

Impressive, yeah? West Virginia voters aren’t paying attention, yeah?


According to Wikipedia, Trump beat Clinton by 42 points in 2016.

And I want to know is if that 56% in the poll realize that a substantial portion of their former political colleagues have switched their party allegiance, and if they wonder if perhaps there’s something they’re missing in the current political climate.

Does self-doubt gnaw at them?

Or do they just merrily march on, certain that Trump is the way to go?

I’m going to guess the epistemic bubble echos the phrase You’re right! to them.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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