Rush Limbaugh on how he thinks we should deal with Covid-19:
It’s just what was. They didn’t complain about it, because there was nothing they could do. They had to adapt. This is what’s missing. There seems to be no concept of adaptation. There seems to be no understanding in the Millennial generation that we can adapt to this, and that we’re going to have to.
Because there’s nothing stopping it right now. We don’t have a vaccine, we don’t have therapeutics. We can’t shut down bars and restaurants every two months for a couple of weeks, for the next three years. We can’t do this cycle that we’re doing. This cycle that we’re doing’s not stopping anything, it’s not saving anybody, it’s not preventing the spread. It’s just a knee-jerk reaction to a bunch of shock, scary numbers in the media.
Life has to go on. Life is to be lived. It’s not meant to be spent cowering and curled up in the corner in fear. It’s not meant to be spent as a victim. Your life is worth more than simply saying, “There’s nothing I can do about it, I have an excuse for not even trying.” But this is exactly where we are — and it’s not who we are. [Media Matters]
Adapting. That’s just what we’re doing, Limbaugh. Sheesh. Are you not paying attention?
Of course, that’s not politically convenient for a President who was relying on a good economy, inherited from his predecessor, to carry him through to reelection. Trump has yet to figure out this is no longer a President about efficacy or incompetency – but morality.
And Limbaugh, in far-right tradition, is carrying the water for him, because, of course, the far-right is not about life – it’s about power.