Belated Movie Reviews

I’ll solve the puzzle, Alex. Oh, this isn’t Wheel of Fortune? And Alex is the wrong TV host? Well, shiiiiiiit.

A movie in the classic B-list tradition, Giant From The Unknown (1958) tells the story of the discovery of a Spanish consquistador from the 1600s – still alive and kicking in the hills of California in the 1950s. Indulging in bloody murder and mayhem, “Diablo” Vargas does his best to cover up the sins of this script, the foremost of which was the terrible role assigned to the lead female, the daughter of the archaeologist in search of Vargas. She is, at best, vapid. And a bad screen kisser. Of course, there’s the handsome local with whom she’s tangling tonsils, the local sheriff who hates the handsome local, various minor characters, and a not-too-awful hunt-down-the-murderer scene, in which the locals actually suffer significant casualties.

But it’s all fairly dull. The daughter grates on the nerves, the archaeologist is just a trifle too, ummmm, sciencey, and I kept hoping they’d push the sheriff off a cliff. But it’s Diablo who takes the tumble in this one, leaving us with another yawner worthy of watching only because we were both sore from shoveling snow. In fact, the mystery gecko was perhaps the most interesting part of the movie. He’s a real scene stealer.

Believe it or not, this little guy embodies the most important plot mechanism of the movie.

It’s All About The Money, And I’m Tired Of It

Paul Waldman wrote several days ago about what he perceives as the next big Trump scandal[1]:

We begin with a company called IP3 International, described as “a private company that has assembled a consortium of U.S. companies to build nuclear plants in Saudi Arabia.” IP3, which has an all-star team of former generals and federal officials on its staff and board, was pushing hard on the Trump administration to approve its plan to build these reactors despite the lengthy process required to transfer nuclear technology abroad. And according to the Oversight Committee’s report, they had help:

A key proponent of this nuclear effort was General Michael Flynn, who described himself in filings as an “advisor” to a subsidiary of IP3, IronBridge Group Inc., from June 2016 to December 2016 — at the same time he was serving as Donald Trump’s national security advisor during the presidential campaign and the presidential transition. According to the whistleblowers, General Flynn continued to advocate for the adoption of the IP3 plan not only during the transition, but even after he joined the White House as President Trump’s National Security Advisor.

So Flynn is working with this company while he’s also working for the Trump campaign and transition. He then gets into the White House and has the chance to push the company’s plan to build dozens of nuclear plants in Saudi Arabia.

The other key person inside the administration was Derek Harvey, the senior director for Middle East and North African //affairs at the National Security Council in the early days of the Trump administration. Harvey was later fired by Flynn’s successor, H.R. McMaster, and then went to work for Trump lickspittle Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. But in the White House, he was an unusually strong advocate for IP3′s idea, despite the legal impediments meant to make sure that materials and technology capable of being turned into nuclear weapons don’t spread throughout the world: [omitted – HW]

I hadn’t seen a lot elsewhere, but then came the AL Monitor e-mail report on lobbying efforts in Washington:

House Oversight Committee Democrats on Tuesday released a report detailing whistleblower allegations that sources inside the Donald Trump administration worked with private business interests to “rush” the transfer of sensitive nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia and other Middle East nations, bypassing congressional oversight.

The report found that former national security adviser Mike Flynn and his associates teamed up with the Saudis to lobby the White House on building 40 nuclear reactors across the region in what they dubbed a “21st-century Marshall Plan for the Middle East.” Flynn had previously worked with IP3 International, a consulting firm run by retired generals, in 2015 and 2016. During Trump’s presidential transition, IP3 International sent a letter pitching the idea to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and lobbied Thomas BarrackTrump’s longtime friend and chairman of his inaugural committee, to implement the plan. Barrack in turn organized an event during Trump’s inauguration that was attended by foreign ministers from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

After Flynn was ousted as national security adviser over his undisclosed ties to RussiaDerek Harvey, the then-Middle East director at the National Security Council, continued to push the proposal in coordination with Flynn. Harvey also reportedly asked NSC staff to add talking points on the proposal for Trump’s April 2017 meeting with President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt. Flynn’s successor, H.R. McMaster, ultimately put the lid on the plan and ousted Harvey. But Trump has since dismissed McMaster. The president met last week with IP3 International and nuclear industry developers to discuss developing nuclear reactors in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, indicating that the plan may still be on the table. On Friday, the Government Accountability Project and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington sued six federal agencies for failing to respond to their 2018 request for public records on the nuclear plan. Read our full Saudi lobbying coverage here.

It’s like they worship the God of money to the exclusion of all else, isn’t it? Meanwhile, I don’t know if this will turn into yet another a scandal or just a disaster for the Middle East, the latter given the difficulties of building and running nuclear power plants.

And will they care? I don’t think so. And, given how the base imitates Trump, they won’t care, either.

1 It’s appalling that I have to write the phrase “next big Trump scandal,” isn’t it?

When Your House Malfunctions

Damn gutters decided to freeze up, along with everyone else’s. And that lead to this!

Yep, you thought it was going to be something terrible. However, I spent half the day defrosting the gutters, with the valiant assistance of my Arts Editor. We didn’t entirely succeed, and I’m typing this between hand cramps.

Word Of The Day


(Actually finding a definition seems impossible. Here’s the definition of reliquary.)

A container used to hold holy relics, usually of a saint. Generally only large churches, cathedrals, and monasteries would have such relics, and they would usually become popular pilgrimage destinations for people coming to pray to the saint in question. A reliquary could be practically any type of container, but were frequently ornately decorated chests of boxes, like the one on disply at St David’s Cathedral in Wales. Many reliquaries were destroyed during the Reformation, and few that survived are on public display because they are so valuable. [Illustrated Dictionary of British Churches]

Noted in the beginning of Hugo award winning story The Dragon Masters, by Jack Vance (1962):

The apartments of Joaz Banbeck, carved deep from the heart of a limestone crag, consisted of five principal chambers, on five different levels. At the top were the reliquarium and a formal council chamber: the first a room of somber magnificence housing the various archives, trophies and mementos of the Banbecks; the second a long narrow hall, with dark wainscoting chest-high and a white plaster vault above, extending the entire width of the crag, so that balconies overlooked Banbeck Vale at one end and Kergan’s Way at the other.

A fight for survival masks an inquiry into alternative modes of philosophical treatment of the Universe. I no longer read modern SF for want of time, but I had a lust to reread this classic, and finally found it in a collection of Hugo award winning stories.

Chief Justice Roberts Watch, Ctd

I find myself agreeing with part of conservative pundit Hugh Hewitt’s recent opinion on Chief Justice Robert’s siding with the liberal wing of the court in staying the Louisiana abortion law while it makes its way through the courts:

Why might a conservative, “originalist” justice vote for a stay of the Louisiana law? Consider what may happen next:

The Supreme Court can choose to grant certiorari in June Medical Services and then agree that the Louisiana law does not conflict with WWH and uphold the circuit court’s decision. Or a Supreme Court majority could in fact overrule WWH upon full consideration of the record. Indeed, the court might (and I pray does) go even further than that and reverse Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.

To have appeared (even by inference) to have done this last thing by denying a stay would have been derided as a “sneak attack” on Roe. The court depends on the public’s enduring respect to maintain its standing, especially on the most controversial cases. Shortcuts to long-sought and fervently desired outcomes are no way to preserve that standing. Full briefing and argument, both before the court and in the public arena, is the preferred path. And it isn’t a close call.

The important point being that allowing the law to be implemented while it’s under Constitutional litigation constitutes an illicit attack on the activity; I’m surprised the conservative wing didn’t join the liberal wing, regardless of their opinion on abortion itself.

That noted, I don’t agree that Roe v Wade or any of the other opinions ought to be overturned. That the issue is divisive has little connection to the discernment of justice, only with how varied our precepts are when it comes to the divine, fetuses, infants, and the status of the latter two in American society. A decision was made to permit the directly concerned pregnant woman decide, which may be the best compromise we can hope for.

These attempts to make abortion illegal are clearly the actions of minds who fail to respect others’ opinions. It’s a step over the line from persuasion or proselytization into fascism.

But it appears, from external actions, that Chief Justice Roberts is carefully safeguarding the reputation of the Court. It’s too bad the dissenters don’t understand that.

Independent Or Dependent?, Ctd

In case you’re interested in more information about the trend in ambassador selection, I ran across an article on Lawfare by the researcher who put together the chart concerning recent ambassador selections, Professor Ryan Scoville. He notes that evaluation of the proficiency in the ambassador corps is difficult:

Are political appointees less effective in office? How do their backgrounds compare to those of career ambassadors under accepted metrics of competency, such as experience in organizational leadership and basic familiarity with the language and government of the receiving state? What is the role of money in the selection process? Do any tendencies emerge with respect to specific bilateral relationships? And have any patterns evolved across recent administrations?

Evidence to answer these questions has been in short supply. With a few noteworthy exceptions, commentators have not attempted to collect information in any sort of systematic way. Instead, they have relied heavily on anecdote and impression to critique or defend political appointments.

But Scoville does what he can:

Two findings carry overarching significance: First, since 1980, the average political nominee has been materially less qualified than the average career nominee under a number of standard measures, including language ability, knowledge of the receiving state and its region, and experience in U.S. foreign policy and organizational leadership.

Take, for instance, the issue of language. The certificates suggest that while 66 percent of career nominees possessed a degree of prior aptitude in the receiving state’s principal language, the same was true of only 56 percent of political nominees, as shown in Figure 1. Upon excluding ambassadorships to English-speaking states, the gap was even larger (56 percent versus 28 percent). In short, a sizable portion of nominees have been completely unable to communicate in the most relevant foreign tongue—and this is particularly true of those who come from outside the foreign service.

And I’d say both of those numbers are scandalous. We’re a big country – is it that hard to find qualified diplomatic personnel and train them in the appropriate language?

But the gap is interesting, and telling.

It’d be interesting to partition the nations receiving ambassadors along criticality lines. I mean, the ambassador to Liechtenstein is probably not a critical posting, while the ambassador to Russia is of the highest priority. When we break them out this way, how do the numbers work out? Does the influence of campaign contributions endanger proper diplomacy even more?

Scoville puts some of the blame on Congress:

… Congress could enact statutory measures to further enhance the transparency of the appointments process, including by simplifying financial reports, mandating information on a broader set of qualifications and requiring the administration of periodic performance surveys to embassy personnel, followed by the disclosure of survey results. These measures might help discourage the nomination of relatively unqualified donors—and, in doing so, bolster the effectiveness of U.S. representation in an era of seemingly waning American influence.

As the Senate remains under the control of the Republicans, who continue to exhibit lap dog tendencies towards Trump, I do not expect any positive reactions in the near future. McConnell is a thoroughly political creature whose leadership skill are, at best, impaired.

Sullivan Finally Gets It

And he writes more eloquently about ecological devastation than I possibly could in the second part of his weekly tri-partite diary entry for New York:

For my own part, I’m haunted all the time by the knowledge of what my lifetime will have witnessed. Humans are committing countless species to death; we are destroying the life of our oceans and skies; we are changing the planet’s ecosystem more quickly than at any time since the asteroids wiped out the dinosaurs. From the perspective of life itself, we are conducting a holocaust of the natural world. How is the knowledge of this not traumatizing?

Same here.

new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research notes, according to the BBC, that “since 1950, the number of floods across the world has increased by 15 times, extreme temperature events by 20 times, and wildfires seven-fold.” Last week, research emerged showing that the insect biomass is declining by 2.5 percent a year, which means that we may wipe out the entire insect population within a century — and lose a quarter of it in the next ten years. This amounts to what Jill Kieldash describes as the “actual structural and functional collapse of the natural systems which have supported life on Earth for the last 400 million years.”

This is what ecologists and environmentalists have been living with for decades. American “conservatives,” who these days seem to be anything but, don’t seem to comprehend how gut-wrenching this can be.

Andrew doesn’t seem to connect the dots to get to over-population, but it’s probably percolating and will come spilling out, by and by.

Sloppy Software Forces Ugly Hardware?, Ctd

Remember the Spectre software security hole? There’s some bad news, according to NewScientist:

A critical security flaw affecting computers the world over is here to stay, and there isn’t any software that can properly safeguard against it. That is the conclusion of engineers trying to fix a vulnerability in processing chips known as Spectre – and it is leading to a rethink of the way that computers are designed.

The exact nature of the vulnerability isn’t disclosed, but here’s a hint:

Spectre takes advantage of a feature of computer chips known as speculative execution. To speed up processing, chips make guesses about future calculations, which are then discarded if incorrect.

We still don’t know exactly what information can and can’t be stolen, so while software fixes have seemed to work well so far, it is impossible to know whether they are actually effective, says Paul Kocher, a cybersecurity researcher who initially helped find Spectre.

Possibly the discard of the result of a calculation. But then you’d expect it’d be fixable in hardware. The report makes it sound like it’s a fundamental vulnerability, though. I’m a little too busy to dig into the technical literature.

Perhaps future chips will come with an option for using the vulnerable optimization. Nothing like confusing end users just a little bit more. Or perhaps the vulnerability can be monitored for utilization, and if a maleficent actor seems to be using it, the optimization is turned off, and the operating system notified.

Belated Movie Reviews

When your workmanship isn’t quite what it should be.

Frankenstein’s Daughter (1958) is one of those uneasy explorations of humanity’s arrogant intrusion on the territory of the divine, and the inevitable pushback in reaction, all in the incongruous context of 1950s America. We open on elderly, independent researcher Carter Morton’s lab, where he’s working on some ill-defined project with the assistance of supercilious Oliver Frank, who hardly gives him any respect. When Morton leaves to steal some Digenerol from a former employer, though, we learn that “Frank” is actually the grandson of the infamous Dr. Frankenstein, and his assistance of Morton is a cover for his own research, in which he’s assisted by the gardener and long time friend of Frankenstein, Elsu. Elsu’s task?

To bring fresh bodies. After all, Dr. Frankenstein can’t work without raw materials.

Some people tolerate caffeine better than others. Like Trudy.

Morton has, of course, a young and nubile niece, Trudy, and she likes to host parties of other young men & women, which make for a bit of a meat-market effect, at least for Elsu. Fortunately, the storytellers exercised restraint and so only two or three bodies, oh maybe four, pile up, while Dr. Frankenstein, in between bouts of monster-construction, tries to inflict his flaming passion on any nubility that happens to come his way. These efforts have predictably morose results, but not as morose as what passes for his final project, a truly hideous yet cheesy resulting mismash of man, woman, and maybe too much makeup, which I found unsettlingly vulnerable to suggestion from anyone who wanted to shout at it. Him. Her.

In the end, Trudy and her fiancée manage to hold off both the monster and the good doctor long enough to find the trusty vial of acid, and soon the doctor is dead and the monster in flames, leaving us with the saccharine couple playing tonsil hockey, despite all the dead bodies.

I suppose, if we wanted to lend this movie some credibility, we could talk about how this is one of those stories which seeks to execute a rear-guard action against the oncoming ogre of science. After all, the creation of life is traditionally the realm of the divine, not the mundane. Nor is Dr. Frankenstein a do-gooder who happens to stumble into quicksand, but rather a repulsive picture of arrogance, an egotist who only seeks to prove his family’s superiority, and thus it should come as no surprise that some divine creature has basically ground him under her heel as a comeuppance. Perhaps it’s more vivid to say that she has held him upside down in the quicksand until the bubbles of air ceased to rise. Your pick.

Self-indulgent? Sure. Did he deserve to die from a face full of acid? I’ll let you decide. But you may regret those 90 minutes of your life if you do choose to watch this modest addition to the monster horror genre.

Now For The Symbolic Poke In The Eye

I’ve mentioned the race for the Representative’s seat for NC-9, which has yet to be filled from the mid-terms because of alleged misdeeds by operatives for candidate Harris (R-NC), who claimed victory but was not certified as the victor. The North Carolina election board has decided to throw out the result and rerun the contest:

The North Carolina Board of Elections voted unanimously on Thursday in favor of holding a new election in the 9th Congressional District after an investigation into absentee ballot irregularities.

The decision comes shortly after Mark Harris, the Republican leading in the contested race, said a new election should be called. He told the state board he does not condone the activities that have come to light after testimony this week and he feels that the public’s confidence in the process is shaken.

The control of one seat in the House of Representatives isn’t going to mean much in terms of legislation, but I expect to be flooded by mail from at least the Democrats on this. For one thing, it’s a lever to get more money out of party members. Not being one, I do not feel obligated to do the cultist thing.

But, potentially more importantly, this is the contest in which the winning side will get to do a big dance of victory. If the Republicans win, they can declare that it doesn’t matter if there is an appearance of corruption in the race, their voters will come out and vote for them anyways. In essence, there’ll be little need to change their behaviors, so like any bad child, they’ll continue.

For the Democrats, a victory speaks to the ability to beard the lion in the lion’s den, a flag they can wave to excite the partisans, and an incumbent who’ll have an even greater chance of victory in less than two years – and any possible halo effect which might come with that victory. It’ll suggest to party members that their brothers and sisters in that other party might be finally waking up from their long, long nightmare.

Which I doubt is a proper conclusion.

So the next few weeks (election date doesn’t appear to be set just yet) should prove interesting.

Independent Or Dependent?

Axios‘ Harry Stevens has a fun new table concerning the characteristics of the ambassador corps of various recent Presidents:

Stevens makes the easy point:

Why it matters: The data undercuts Trump’s campaign claim that his personal fortune places him above the influence of donor cash — and shows how campaign contributions can help secure jobs for people with relatively weak diplomatic backgrounds.

But let’s take this a step further. This chart also shows that Trump only knows money as a metric. It’s not just that he loves it, mind you, but it’s really all he knows about measuring the competence of, well, anyone. It’s become the tie that binds him to his incompetence.

And it demonstrates the crass folly of believing excellence in business (if one chooses to believe that of Trump) translates to knowing anything about running government. For him, if you can afford to buy yourself an ambassadorship, well, that’s enough for him.

At least, apparently, Reagan, another conservative, understood the difference, or at least those who served under him did. Then again, he’d been governor of California, so he had some basis for understanding.

Perverse Incentives, Ctd

Following up on the Timbs v. Indiana civil asset forfeiture case mentioned on this thread, some good news has been handed down by SCOTUS:

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Wednesday that the Constitution’s prohibition on excessive fines applies to state and local governments, limiting their abilities to impose financial penalties and seize property.

The decision delighted critics of civil asset forfeiture, who welcomed it as a new weapon in their war against what’s been labeled “policing for profit” — the practice of seizing cash, cars and other property from those convicted, or even suspected, of committing a crime.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, on her second day back on the bench after undergoing cancer surgery in December, announced the court’s decision , saying the Eighth Amendment’s Excessive Fines Clause protects against government retribution at all levels.

It’s not an outright ban on this inherently corruptive practice, but it’s a step along the path to the holy grail of a ban. No, let me retract that, because holy grails are never attained, and I believe that if the ACLU and allied organizations continue to pursue this goal, they can achieve a complete ban on this practice.

And that would be a good thing.

Politicians need to think about metrics and tying compensation to those goals, not just willy-nilly turning the police off on their own insofar as funding goes. If society wants a police force, then it should fund it properly through appropriations, not by forcing the police to forage for themselves. While I know that at least some of my conservative friends would just call it corruption which needs to be corrected, I think the proper label is mismanagement by the politicians.

And I don’t care if I’ve just dissed Democrats or Republicans, or pissed in either group’s holy water. Utilizing civil asset forfeiture is an error in judgment.

Note the unanimity of the Court as well. This isn’t a political matter, this is a matter of proper justice.

Tomorrow’s Litmus Test

This sort of behavior is really beginning to sour me on, well, I suppose unlimited personal freedom. First consider this (all bolds mine):

In testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee Tuesday, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats warned that climate change remains a national security threat.

“Global environmental and ecological degradation, as well as climate change, are likely to fuel competition for resources, economic distress, and social discontent through 2019 and beyond,” Coats said in the U.S. Intelligence Community’s annual “Worldwide Threat Assessment” report. “Climate hazards such as extreme weather, higher temperatures, droughts, floods, wildfires, storms, sea level rise, soil degradation, and acidifying oceans are intensifying, threatening infrastructure, health, and water and food security. [Yahoo! Finance]

And then this:

Earth’s climate is now changing faster than at any point in the history of modern civilization, primarily as a result of human activities. Global climate change has already resulted in a wide range of impacts across every region of the country and many sectors of the economy that are expected to grow in the coming decades. [U.S. Global Change Research Program]

And in response, the Trump Administration is leaping into action by … convening another panel.

The White House is working to assemble a panel to assess whether climate change poses a national security threat, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post, a conclusion that federal intelligence agencies have affirmed several times since President Trump took office.

The proposed Presidential Committee on Climate Security, which would be established by executive order, is being spearheaded by William Happer, a National Security Council senior director. Happer, an emeritus professor of physics at Princeton University, has said that carbon emissions linked to climate change should be viewed as an asset rather than a pollutant. [WaPo]

Really? Another panel? And apparently run by a non-expert who happens to have an odd view on the subject.

If, as I expect, we continue to see a worsening of the climate, as predicted by the climate scientists, which hurts just about everyone in the world, I hope that the US electorate embraces this litmus test for all future high political office candidates: Do you approve of the science denial practiced by the Trump Administration? If the answer is yes, no vote for that candidate.

Chief Justice Roberts Watch, Ctd

Once again, Chief Justice Roberts has sided against his more conservative colleagues in deciding a case, this time concerning whether or not a death-row inmate is eligible to be executed or, due to mental deficiencies, not eligible. Here is The New York Times report, and here is the opinion, including the dissent by Alito, joined by Thomas and Gorsuch, while Kavanaugh’s position is unknown.

The case revolves around a factual finding, which is an unusual facet for the Court to decide upon. In fact, that appears to be the basis of the dissent:

Having concluded that the Court of Criminal Appeals failed to apply the standard allegedly set out in Moore, the Court today takes it upon itself to correct these factual findings and reverse the judgment.* This is not our role. “We do not grant a certiorari to review evidence and discuss specific facts.” United States v. Johnston, 268 U. S. 220, 227 (1925); see also Salazar-Limon v. Houston, 581 U. S. ___, ___ (2017) (ALITO, J., concurring in denial of certiorari) (slip op., at 2) (“[W]e rarely grant review where the thrust of the claim is that a lower court simply erred in applying a settled rule of law to the facts of a particular case”). If the Court is convinced that the Court of Criminal Appeals made a legal error, it should vacate the judgment below, pronounce the standard that we failed to provide in Moore, and remand for the state court to apply that standard. The Court’s decision, instead, to issue a summary reversal belies our role as “a court of review, not of first view.” Cutter v. Wilkinson, 544 U. S. 709, 718, n. 7 (2005).

But Roberts wrote a concurrence to the majority:

When this case was before us two years ago, I wrote in dissent that the majority’s articulation of how courts should enforce the requirements of Atkins v. Virginia, 536 U. S. 304 (2002), lacked clarity. Moore v. Texas, 581 U. S. ___, ___–___ (2017) (slip op., at 10–11). It still does. But putting aside the difficulties of applying Moore in other cases, it is easy to see that the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals misapplied it here. On remand, the court repeated the same errors that this Court previously condemned—if not quite in haec verba, certainly in substance. The court repeated its improper reliance on the factors articulated in Ex parte Briseno, 135 S. W. 3d 1, 8 (Tex. Crim. App. 2004), and again emphasized Moore’s adaptive strengths rather than his deficits. That did not pass muster under this Court’s analysis last time. It still doesn’t. For those reasons, I join the Court’s opinion reversing the judgment below.

Frustration with a bullheaded Texas court? Or more legacy work? Probably the former.

Belated Movie Reviews

First, we’ll finish the poker hand. Then we’ll go back on set and finish this crummy movie.

Blonde for a Day (1946) is one of a series of murderous whodunits featuring Michael Shayne, PI. Unfortunately, while Hugh Beaumont may have made a great Ward Cleaver, when it came to hard-boiled PIs he had nothing on the originator of the Michael Shayne role, Lloyd Nolan. Without Nolan’s charm as a not-quite competent PI, the plot holes actually matter in this mediocre head-scratcher in which even the name is a trifle dubious.

Word Of The Day


  1. Strong public condemnation.
    ‘he endured years of contempt and obloquy’

    1. Disgrace, especially that brought about by public condemnation.
      ‘conduct to which no more obloquy could reasonably attach’ [Oxford Dictionaries]

New word to me. Noted in “New Hope and New Danger on the Left,” Andrew Sullivan, New York:

If the Democrats want to fight the next election on the need for a radical rebalancing of the economy in favor of the middle and working class, for massive investment in new green technology, for higher taxes on the superrich, and for health-care security for all Americans, they can win. If they conflate those goals with extremist rhetoric about abolishing everyone’s current health insurance, and starting from scratch, as the Green New Deal advises, not so much. If they insist that men and women are indistinguishable, that girls can have penises and boys can have periods, as transgender ideology now demands, they’ll seem nuts to most fair-minded people.

If they echo the anti-Semitism of the far right, they’ll deserve obloquy. If left ideology seems to be overruling practical good sense — like ruling out nuclear power as an option for tackling the climate crisis in the Green New Deal, they’ll seem unserious purists. If they insist on calling our multicultural and multiracial democracy a manifestation of “white supremacy,” they will empower real white supremacists. If they call a border wall an “immorality” and refuse to fund a way to detain and humanely house the huge surge of migrant families and children now overwhelming the southern border (up 290 percent over the same period in 2018, with a record 1,800 apprehensions on Monday of this week alone!), they will rightly be called in favor of open borders.

Andrew talks a lot of sense, but he seems as short-sighted about the illegal immigrants at the southern border as do most Republicans. Shutting them out rather than investigating root causes merely kicks the can down the road.

And that can may be a helluva lot larger in a couple of decades.

A Measuring Stick For Your Leftist Friends

I’d noticed the news report that obscure Congressman Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), age 76, had broken a hip in a fall, gone through surgery, and then been moved to hospice; it turns out he also had ALS. As I grow older, 76 doesn’t seem as old as it once did, so I felt sad for the man and his family on a personal level. A week or two later came the notice of his passing, which of course will bring up questions about his successor. But there was little notice about his qualities.

Thankfully, Andrew Sullivan, who is a conservative who has little use for the Republicans in general, celebrates the man’s life in the third part of his weekly tri-partite column:

But he also had a conscience and an independent streak, and when it became clear that the Iraq War had been based on phony intelligence, he actually changed his mind. More than that: He took moral responsibility for his vote for the war, and rethought a great deal of his previous views. Ashamed of what he had done — and the lives lost because of the war — he went on to write 12,000 letters to family members of service members killed. “In terms of his skepticism of authority and power in Washington, I think part of his wiring changed,” Congressman Mark Sanford, told the Washington Post. “He started looking at leadership’s claims with a skeptical eye, and that’s led to the independence you now see on a regular basis.”

I wonder how many people, such as my reader and myself, would actually take moral responsibility for a mistake of this magnitude, and how many of us would shrug it off and hide. This is the sort of behavior best termed exemplary, and I’m thrilled to see it in a Republican, a member of the party that houses such politically craven creatures as Ryan, Nunes, and Graham.

He was that very rare creature: a true Republican fiscal conservative. Because of this, he voted against the Trump tax cut, which is even now adding exponentially to $22 trillion in debt. Pressured by Tom DeLay to vote for some of the appropriations bills that bankrupted the country under George W. Bush, because “these are Republican bills now,” as DeLay explained, Jones replied, “Yes, Tom, but you’re spending more than the Democrats did.” For being this kind of constitutional and fiscal conservative, Jones was denied any significant committee roles during his 12 consecutive terms in the Congress as a Republican.

I mentioned measurement in the post title. If you have some concerns about a leftist friend, tell them about the late Rep. Jones. Maybe pull out the significant parts of his column and make them read it. If they celebrate his passing because it’s an opportunity for the Democrats to pick up a seat, well, you may have a political cultist on your hands.

Treat with caution.

Belated Movie Reviews

Arbitrary picture capriciously selected and inserted here, regardless of your wishes.

While perhaps not quite so punctuated, in terms of idiosyncratic language, as the novel, the movie version of Slaughterhouse-Five (1972) has great fidelity to its source material, with not quite the emphasis on Tralfamadore and its inhabitants as the novel, but better music. If you’re not familiar with the novel, well, it’s a little hard to describe the plot. I could tell you that it follows Billy Pilgrim’s consciousness as he swoops from World War II prisoner to a married, then widowed, optometrist in Ilium, NY, to prisoner of the alien Tralfamadoreans on their planet of Tralfamadore, where he’s to mate with Playboy Playmate Montana Wildhack, for their edification, or perhaps to satisfy their prurient interest. This is linear, yet non-linear: it is what Billy is experiencing in linear fashion, and we’re just along for the ride.

But it all doesn’t really make any sense, and that may be the point of it. In a way, the story is fractal in essence. The Tralfamadoreans, in concordance with (allegedly) thirty or so other worlds, endorse a philosophy which has discarded the idea of causality in favor of viewing the Universe as a random collage of incidents. They embrace the idea that the bad incidents should be ignored, while the good ones enjoyed. Despite their command of time & space, they lay helpless in the hands of the Universe, well-aware that it’ll all end because of a panicked mis-decision by a Tralfamadorean space pilot working with an experimental power source. They’ve viewed the moment a hundred times, and disclaim any ability to actually prevent the outcome: their doom is inevitable.

In Billy’s life as an optometrist in post-World War II Ilium, he has the illusion of control, but when he’s lying in a coma following a plane crash, his wife manages to kill herself through incompetent, panicked driving, and Billy can find no way to stop the incident. His son’s misbehavior, his daughter’s poor selection of husband, and his wife’s chronic obesity, which she eternally proclaims she’ll beat for the husband she loves so much, all come together to emphasize his helplessness in controlling the circumstances of his life. Much like the Tralfamadoreans, he knows how it’ll all end – and can do nothing more than be a puppet to that ending.

And in his life in World War II, he’s a mere leaf, blown hither and yon. Men fall dead from gunfire, disease and malnutrition, yet he persists, clothed in ludicrous garments meant to humiliate him. He’s exposed to the madness of his own countrymen, and his best friend, a schoolteacher, is labeled a looter in the wreckage of Dresden, and shot with little notice. He cannot take control of his own circumstances, and only survives the same way a feather survives, so sensitive to the forces that would destroy it that they cannot catch up with him – but through no will of his own.

Perhaps this is the message: the horrors, the incomprehensible hatred exhibited in World War II, all that mad energy is necessary to rip the bandage off the raw chaos of the Universe, letting us glimpse for a few horrid moments the madness lying just below our veils of illusion that allow us to believe there is such things as Justice, fair play, or any of a host of other concepts which, in reality, are at best vestigial.

There’s little of pleasure in Slaughterhouse-Five, but perhaps a lot to meditate upon.

Brexit Watch

The rattling of the machine coming apart in the wake of Brexit may be having some positive effects on Brit politics. Consider this report in WaPo of defections from Labour Party ranks, the current opposition and home to Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, who wants to return to the 1950s, when government controlled much of industry, and a man accused of anti-Semitism – an accusation of which I have no idea as to its truthfulness.

At a morning news conference, Parliament member Luciana Berger said she had become “embarrassed” and “ashamed” of the Labour Party, which she said was “institutionally anti-Semitic.” Berger, who is Jewish, added she was leaving behind a culture of “bullying, bigotry and intimidation.”

Chris Leslie, another breakaway lawmaker, said the party had been “hijacked by the machine politics of the hard left” and that Labour’s “betrayal on Europe was visible for all to see.” While many Labour party members support a second referendum on whether to leave the European Union, Corbyn has been cold to the idea of a do-over. …

“The pursuit of policies that would threaten our national security through hostility to NATO. The refusal to act when needed to help those when facing humanitarian distress, preferring to believe states hostile to our country rather than believing our police and security services — these are all rooted in the Labour leadership’s obsession with a narrow, outdated ideology,” Leslie said.

Corbyn speaks of the gains his party made in the 2017 elections, but this does not absolve the party of the sins of which it’s accused – and past performance is no guarantee of future gains. He apparently dislikes the idea of a do-over referendum, now that the monster is at the shore and ready to wreak disaster on the nation. He may not like the idea of foreign constraints on his activities if he were to gain the position of Prime Minister. But, perhaps most importantly, is how the article ends:

Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats, a small center-left party, told the BBC he was keen to work with the new group, which he speculated could grow in coming days.

“We shouldn’t forget the Conservatives are also very badly split and there are quite a few of them who no longer see a future in the Conservative Party,” Cable said. “So I think this is the beginning, rather than the end, of something rather important.”

Have the old majority parties crystalized so much that it’s time for them to shatter? This is not unusual, as the power-brokers, often light on principle but heavy on self-involvement, maneuver themselves into a position in which none can resolve problems, and they simply entrench blindly, never envisioning that the way to break the impasse is through destruction of the machine, rather than adjustment. They never imagine a mass movement away from what they purvey.

Keep an eye on those Brits. The breakup of a major political party across the pond may presage similar incidents in our neck of the woods.

Belated Movie Reviews

Another dry bit of humor? Or the big reveal?

The House of the Arrow (1953) falls into the category of dry little whodunit. Madame Harlowe, a sickly invalid, has passed away suddenly in the night. The adopted daughter, Betty, stands to inherit the fortune, which galls Madame Barlow’s brother-in-law, Boris. He eventually accuses Betty of murder, thinking he’s seen her paying a visit to the shop of a herbalist suspected of dispensing killer drugs. But when the French detective Hanaud orders an exhumation and examination of the corpse, nothing to support the contention is found.

But Hanaud is not done, because anonymous letters that know more than they should have been circulating. Why is there a necklace missing from a secured room? Why are the ashes in the secured room’s fireplace still warm, despite three days respite? Why is Betty’s friend Anne trying to escape France?

For those who like intellectual puzzles, there are some interesting twists and turns, and there may or may not be enough clues to discover the identity of the murderer, and how they did it. But, while plausible, there’s a certainly failure to connect with these characters. Hanaud may have a playful personality, but he still feels like a stereotype (and he looks like Clouseau’s boss, Chief Inspector Dreyfus, which is dismaying given the comedic incompetence of Clouseau and Dreyfus of the Pink Panther series). The various suspects are not given enough material to become real people, nor are the supporting characters.

So it’s mildly intriguing, but even as I type this they are fading away before my eyes. It makes for disappointing drama.