While I was poking around the web, looking for a Christmas gift for my Arts Editor, I ran across a site which occasionally pops up a soft sub-window announcing that, “Joe just bought XYZ”. It lingers for a moment, and then goes away.
And I Hated It.
It’s one thing when social nudges are used to move folks to make good social choices, such as utilizing employer 401Ks or becoming Organ Donors in case of death.
But on a commercial site, it’s not appropriate. Hell, how do I even know these are authentic?
And the sad part is that this is a site selling products which – they claim – are eco-friendly. It’s Karst, who sell stone paper and woodless pencils, for which trees are not consumed. Or – now – so they say. Now I’m inclined not to buy from them, because I dislike manipulation.
They’ve pissed me off.