The Next Hurdle, Ctd

Readers comment on the latest special election results and my conclusions:

I was Republican for roughly the first half of my life, until the party was grabbed by the venal, the hypocrites and the plunderers. I’ve drifted left in some of my thinking as I’ve gained wisdom, no doubt. But the whole political spectrum has gone so far right — in so many words, because the corruption and amorality is less a political left/right thing than it is a tribal thing.

I have a few friends who used to be Republicans and are now independents or even progressive Democrats. The right side of the spectrum, for all that it wears the clothing of religion, is the more materialistic end of the spectrum, and I believe we see that in the behaviors of the current Administration and its allies in Congress and across the Nation. I’ve speculated in the past that there is effectively two factions on the conservative side of the spectrum, the truly religious and the less authentically religious, and that the latter preys on the former’s credulity, which is greater than on the left side of the spectrum (which has its own set of problems) because of a pre-disposition to credulity brought on by that religiosity which defines them.G


It’s not enough that many incumbent Rs should lose. Equally important is that challenger Ds should win. Convincingly and for good reasons, not simply the lesser of two evils.

I completely agree. The Democrats must field competent and ethical candidates who can communicate with their constituents. But what’s to be done with those still addicted to Fox News and other media which fails to serve up the information available? That’s a hard question.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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