Maybe This Is Nature’s Way, Ctd

A reader remarks on the declining American birth rate:

Idiots who think we need to keep growing the population to keep growing the economy are just that — idiots. We do not have unlimited space, we do not have unlimited resources. There are real limits to growth and all of the effects as one approaches them are negative. Moreover, it’s not just women now have real choices. The economy was not roaring 2016, and still is not. Capitalists and the 1% are making money hand over fist once again, but the working class has never really recovered, and has really in all truth been taking it in the shorts since roughly the mid-1970s.

The same reader continues:

I meant to mention how inaccurate or distorted the government’s employment statistics are, as well. People are a lot worse off, job-wise, than they indicate.

Which indicates either the wrong data is being collected, or the wrong statistics are being publicized.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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