Yep, this falls into the Lookie what we accomplished! category, followed by the slap upside the head. Fred Pearce of NewScientist (31 March 2018, paywall) has a review of how corporations are trying to take advantage of green-washing, the movement to make what they do sustainable and socially positive. I loved this observation:
Pepsi proudly outlined how 27 per cent of its turnover is now in “nutritious” food and beverages that are helping meet the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals]. “In sub-Saharan Africa, we provide nutritious food to undernourished people,” said a spokesperson. That left the rather uncomfortable impression that 73 per cent of its products, sold in Africa and elsewhere, are not nutritious.
I’m sure Pepsi can argue that far more than 27% of their output is nutritious, but given that this is Pepsi, it has that piquant flavor of someone falling face first into the pig-sty in their Sunday best.