The Frustration Of The Closed Mind, Ctd

Readers react to my meditations on piercing closed minds – wherever they’re located:

Interesting.  I’ve never thought about it this way. Guess I’ve never really given it much thought.


Yes, tribalism is wrong and is destroying our country. I don’t see any way to stop the USA from becoming a has-been nation.

My suspicion is that we’re in for a dip, but once enough of us have been banged on the head with the tangible consequences of bad thinking, our advantage in natural resources and a free(er) society will help us move back towards the front.

Unless the Chinese lead in artificial intelligence gives them a multiplier effect.

Another, from old friend Kevin McLeod:

Good article by Sullivan. Yes, tribalism is hurting us. I wouldn’t say it’s wrong per se – it has value in some situations – but in our current context it’s creating more problems than it solves. It’s good to see growing awareness of the central issue.

I wrote about the same topic in December at Medium:…/the-bug-in-human-social…

Keep this subject in circulation. It’s a particularly difficult problem to solve because it’s instinctual or nearly so. Shedding outdated social fictions would be a good start.

A good article. I had forgotten about the Emperor’s New Clothes tale, it puts all the arguments about tribalism into one memorable & instructive story, applicable to the entire world of Trump politics.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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