Word Of The Day



  1. a title, heading, direction, or the like, in a manuscript, book, statute,
    etc., written or printed in red or otherwise distinguished from the rest of
    the text.
  2. a direction for the conduct of divine service or the administration of the
    sacraments, inserted in liturgical books.
  3. any established mode of conduct or procedure; protocol.
  4. an explanatory comment; gloss.
  5. a class or category.
  6. Archaic. red ocher.


  1. written, inscribed in, or marked with or as with red; rubrical.
  2. Archaic. red; ruddy.


Noted in the poem “The Paper of My Enemy Has Been Retracted,” Andrew Gelman, Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science, from which I outtake the relevant partial stanza:

And (oh, this above all) his sensibility,
His sensibility and its hair-like filaments,
His delicate, quivering sensibility is now as one
With Edward Wegman’s Wikipedia cribs,
A volume graced by the descriptive rubric
‘The simplex method visits all 2d vertices.’

Yes, I referenced this yesterday. I hope it lights you with the glow of hope, too.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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