Oh, Here Comes Another One, Ctd

It’s turned into a full-fledged retreat when it comes to that secret society:

The chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee acknowledged Thursday that a reference made between two FBI employees of a “secret society” could have been said in jest as opposed to evidence of an anti-Donald Trump plot.

“It’s a real possibility,” Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, told CNN. [CNN]

Gallup Weekly Presidential Approval Poll, 1/21/2018. Approval currently 36%, disapproval 59%.

Out and out lying? I don’t think so. I think the prominent devout members of the GOP, such as our credulous Senator Johnson, continue to inhabit the conservatives’ echo chamber, and that chamber rings with endorsements of the President by the American people – no matter what the polls say. Using that as their fundamental assumption, they’re forced to assume that the Mueller investigation is hollow and their leader is merely the potential victim of a lynch mob.

Such is the logic of self-delusion.

But when the crash comes, the GOP will have an out, because President Trump has never been a true member of the GOP – heck, he may not even have the card. He is an outsider who swooped in and took over the Party, but if & when the time comes to bid him adieu, via impeachment or a dishonorable term in office from which he shambles away, the Republicans can discard him as not one of them. They’ll be able to point at his marital record as well as his political record and proclaim, without displaying the real shame that adults would feel at this debacle, that he was a sham Republican and not representative of the real Republicans.

In essence, he’ll be a President who’ll be used and tossed aside by the people who hide behind the curtain, avoiding responsibility for the fallout of their beliefs of how to manage the United States. I hope he enjoys that position.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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