Word Of The Day


  1. An association of nations for their mutual benefit.
    [mass noun] The mutual recognition by nations of the laws and customs of others.
  2. [mass noun] Courtesy and considerate behaviour towards others.
    ‘a show of public comity in the White House’ [Oxford English Dictionaries]

Noted in “Chief Justice John Roberts Has Changed A Little Bit. And That Could Be A Big Deal,” Chris Geidner, BuzzFeed News:

With the unpredictability that Trump has brought to government and Washington — which followed the year of instability that the court itself faced following Scalia’s death — Roberts has sought out a path of compromise and comity that is in fitting with the institutionalist conservatism that has marked his approach to his role on the court.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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