Rather Leave Than Fight?, Ctd

A reader remarks on the character of Senator Flake and his cohort:

The problem might be many or most members of the body he was addressing (including himself?) might not really give a damn about democracy, as long as they “have theirs.” When you’re wealthy and powerful, who needs democracy?

I suppose it’s possible, but, if so, we’re probably doomed. Nor have I seen any formal moves to extinguish democracy, only the gutter full of informal moves to suppress those who might vote “the wrong way”.

I suspect it has more to do with funding, oddly enough. While many members are wealthy, the requirements of a successful run for Senate are overwhelming for a relatively small millionaire[1]. But the Mercers and the Kochs have enough billions to finance these second-raters several times over – and so they dance to their tune. Add in those conservatives horrified at the advances of the past years – I suspect Flake falls into that category – and we see the result today. The donors set a deadline for ACA replacement and changes to the tax structure, and off the bunnies went, eager to satisfy their masters.

I wonder how they feel about public financing of elections. Leave the donors out in the cold. I suppose SCOTUS would frown on it, though.

1The days of Senator Proxmire (D-WI), who served 1957 to 1989, and his fabled $250 budget for re-election are long gone. Hmmmm, don’t see a reference for that anywhere. I remember reading about it during his career.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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