A Note To Senator McConnell

From WaPo‘s The Fix:

Had [Senator McConnell] said only once that he needed the White House to provide more guidance, it could perhaps be dismissed as a helpful hint. But in back-to-back sentences, McConnell makes crystal-clear that he doesn’t think Trump has enunciated this very basic piece of information, even as we’re weeks into negotiations. And he seems to sympathize with the idea that lawmakers reached a compromise that they thought would meet with Trump’s approval, only to have Trump renege. Trump, after all, said the following last week: “I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with” and, “I’m not going to say, ‘Oh, gee, I want this,’ or ‘I want that.’ I will be signing it.”

Senator McConnell, President Trump’s confusion and tendency to blow with the wind should be all you need to know that this is a man not competent for the office. If he was stubborn as a mountain, even in defense of a bad policy position, we could at least see him as just being wrong.

But this is bad for the United States.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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