Finding The Real Motivations, Ctd

AL Monitor covers the official reason for the recent protests in Iran. It’s … us!

In his first extensive comments on the recent protests in Iran, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Jan. 9 pointed the finger at the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia, saying they planned the unrest. …

On Jan. 2, Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Ali Shamkhani stated in an interview that Saudi Arabia, Israel and a number of Western countries had plotted the unrest. The protests reportedly led to the arrest of thousands of people and the deaths of almost two dozen people, who, according to officials, were killed by “rioters.” Law enforcement officials have said that a large number of those who were arrested have been freed.

Keep in mind that the Supreme Leader represents the religious interests of Islam, which is to say they guarantee the rightness of the government as a whole.

Which logically brings us to “Our Islamic government can do no wrong, so these protests must be originate with evil outsiders!”

Notice how this absolute certainty of being right is echoed in our own GOP. They have engaged in the rudest of political maneuvers, and have written the most important bills in a slap-dash manner that would have embarrassed and infuriated leading members of both parties fifty years ago, but they’re so certain they’re right, because God is on their side.

The insanity they express is gob-smacking, just as is Khamenei’s. He can’t even consider blaming himself and his supporters, because that would fly in the face of God, and they can’t do that.

So, in each case, they ride the rollercoaster into the coastal shoals below, either to dash their brains out or drown in the surf. It’ll be McConnell, Ryan, Khamenei, and Trump, all in a pile.

And yet more religious fanatics will pile in. Because that’s how you get power. First, God. Then, charge! Avoid blame, take the credit, and relentlessly climb the mountain!

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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