The Advance Of The Theocrats, Ctd

For those desiring more information on former Alabama Judge and GOP nominee to replace Jeff Session’s Alabama Senatorial Roy MooreThe Week has a short profile. The salient feature for me?

Moore has repeatedly made clear his belief that if the Bible conflicts with the laws of the United States, “God’s laws are always superior to man’s laws.”

Old readers of this blog will understand why I say this puts shivers down my spine; new readers should read this, particularly the history section. That quote is emblematic of a man who falls into the category of believing his judgment is better than that of the collected judgments of his fellows, and has to fall back on the authority of a supernatural creature to be convincing, since he lacks the intellectual firepower to back up his position in any rational manner.

It’s also the attitude of a man who would be King – ruthless to those who differ from him in arbitrary theological positions, as well as those who diverge wholly from his self-sanctified views. I suspect, merely on general grounds, that he would admire Lord Cromwell, infamous religious bigot.

In short, someone who would cheerfully burn at the stake anyone he dislikes.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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