We’re Shipping All The Intolerant To The Grand Canyon, Ctd

A reader comments on the subject of awe:

Very interesting research. One could almost say “civilization causes incivility.” Nature-inspired awe would certainly be evolutionarily advantageous. Humans being social animals, awe would tend to inspire behaviors, such as group cohesiveness, that would benefit the group and hence the individual members.

So, let’s give all the intolerant a tour: Grand Canyon floor and back up, Bryce Canyon, Yosemite, one of the Redwoods parks, maybe Niagara Falls, etc.

Love the word play – is there a word for that particular variety?

I see the awe melting that insidious enemy of the group, the individual’s will towards, well, individualism. It’s a reminder that there are entities greater than the individual out there, and that the group serves to enhance the survival of the individual in the face of those entities that are so much more powerful, beautiful, or greater than a mere human individual. Even those entities of no particular hostile bearing towards the individual should invoke that response.

It’s a reminder that groups are multiplicative, not additive, when properly led.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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