Which is exactly what came to mind as I read Greg Fallis’ furiously satirical piece concerning gunners, the NRA, and gun manufacturers:
Wait, that’s not all! They are going to use their ex-president (you know, that Negro one? The one from Kenya, with the funny ears?) to “endorse the resistance”! That guy, he doesn’t even have a birth certificate thing, and they are going to use him for endorsing! Probably on an award show! Where he’ll be given an award for assassinating the real news to death! And an actor — or maybe even a singer — will give him the award!
Is that what you want? Do you want your children to grow up in a country where singers give awards to ex-presidents for assassinating real news? Then you’d better go out RIGHT NOW and buy as many guns as Jesus wants you to buy. If you think I’m kidding (I’m totally NOT kidding…would I kid about this?), just listen to what this extremely angry woman has to say.
I’ll omit the video. Given the reported scarcity of gun ammunition encountered during the Obama Administration as gun owners, frightened by the pronouncements on high of how they’d have to fight off rabid Democrats coming for their guns (for those with bad memories, it never even came close to happening – only the mass killings happened), bought all the ammo in site, it’s hard to see NRA members as anything but sheep.
Sheep armed with guns.
Oh, Gary Larson, we miss ye with a vengeance.