This Really Must Stop

He’s really a child, isn’t he? CNN:

UK Prime Minister Theresa May said Thursday she would raise leaks to US media from the Manchester bombing investigation with US President Donald Trump when the pair meet later at a NATO summit in Brussels, Belgium.

“I will make clear to President Trump that intelligence that is shared between our law enforcement agencies must remain secure,” she said, following a cabinet-level security meeting.

The United States has faced growing criticism from UK lawmakers over the leaks, amid concern they could disrupt the fast-moving investigation into Monday night’s attack against concertgoers at Manchester Arena.

I realize it may not be Trump, personally, doing the leaking – but, even so, he sets the tone. Worse yet, it’s easy to suspect members of his Administration are leaking this information in order to advance their political agenda – because that’s the kind of people he’s hired, politicos who think the world revolves around their agenda and will use anything to advance it against their foes, who just happen to be their fellow Americans.

The tragedy of the Manchester bombing should not be permitted to distract from the dangerous meltdown which is the Trump Administration.

BTW, shortly after Obama had taken office, someone bought some time on a highway billboard, on which they put Bush’s face and the message, “Miss me yet?” I’ve always thought that was a sincere, if misguided message. Repeating that with Obama’s face would be far more effective, and remind us of just what professionally run government looks like – no scandals, just trying to improve life.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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