Year’s Architecture

Lloyd Alter on served as a judge for this year’s Architizer Awards:

Kamikatz Public House
Source: Architizer Awards

When I was asked to be a juror in this year’s Architizer Awards I was honoured, but had absolutely no idea how much work it was. Over the course of a week all my non-TreeHugger time was devoted to looking at and trying to decide among hundreds of entries. It was exhausting. And when you look at the list of jurors, there are hundreds of them, and it is a really stellar list; I am squeezed between Liz Diller of Diller Scofidio + Renfro and Lockhart Steele, who founded Curbed. Just putting all the L’s in a room would be a great party.

Green Building is not a typology, given that everybody claims that they think about sustainability these days. But there is the Plus page that looks at concepts and included an “architecture + sustainability” category. I was not a judge in this category but love this brewery, the Kamikatz Public House, in Tokushima prefecture in Japan by Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP.

Some interesting designs there.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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