My Email and Fragmentary Information

As the great GOP hope executes a flaming dive into the ocean, the GOP political machine bumbles on. I received an email accusing Landrieu (of Louisiana), the Clintons, Obama, and Sanders of misuse of funds recently. Not having a lot of patience for this sort of thing, I decided to pick only Sanders to do the usual additional research; I will just assume this previous post will cover Clinton. Here’s the outtake from the mail concerning Sanders

Source: my mail. Gotta like his grin.

… and Bernie Sanders who shortly after ending his 2016 presidential bid bought his third home a $600,000 lakefront vacation house<>on

Feel the bling.

Y’all can almost see the hand to the cheek for the concerned writer. Oh, the Democrats are just so corrupt!

Well … no. is on the case:

However, the original Seven Days report included information on how the Sanders’ afforded the summer home. O’Meara Sanders said that she had inherited a vacation home in Maine, but the family was unable to make use of it due to its distance from their primary residence in Vermont, so she sold it and used the proceeds to finance the purchase of a more suitable vacation home in North Hero:

“My family had a lake home in Maine since 1900, but we hadn’t had the time to go there in recent years — especially since my parents passed away,” she said. “We finally let go of it and that enabled us to buy a place in the islands — something I’ve always hoped for.”

A separate outlet addressed rumors that Sanders had somehow banked campaign donations and used them for personal gain:

The thing is, candidates don’t just get to pocket all their extra donation money when they drop out.

“Here’s what a campaign committee is allowed to do with any lingering cash: it can donate the funds to charities or political parties; it can contribute $2,000 per election to other candidates; and it can save the money in case the candidate chooses to run again.”

So while it is true Senator Bernie Sanders has purchased a summer home in Vermont, the real estate acquisition was more of a trade than a questionable portfolio upgrade.

The wise reader of these accusations will do their research before they let these dishonest folks manipulate their emotions. I’m aware that there’s been accusations that snopes is biased towards a liberal point of view. However, these accusations are simply one small part of the general plan to always send a conservative leaning audience towards news and information outlets controlled by conservative interests. Now, we could simply say this is a financial maneuver, since the larger the audience, the larger the fees charged to advertisers.

But it’s also easy to see this is a political strategy. Why? As I’ve discussed elsewhere on this blog (and referenced a number of times!), an audience that exclusively uses Fox News and other conservative news outlets is less knowledgeable than the general populace. This is not a liberal assertion – it’s an objective fact. Yep. Go follow that link and discover that this is the conclusion of a conservative, an official of the Reagan and Bush Administrations, Bruce Bartlett. Does this say anything about your knowledge base?

By limiting and molding the information conservative leaning audiences are permitted to know, attitudes favorable to conservatives and those who, twenty years ago, would have been labeled inhabitants of the fever swamps by the conservatives of the time, are formed and hardened. Attitudes which might not exist if the keepers of those attitudes had more of the facts available.

How does this pertain to snopes? Snopes provides full information that can be verified, on a large number of issues; presumably, a properly documented correction will be incorporated into their site. This is anathema to the propaganda-master, on the left or right, because full information may result in a decision they don’t like.

Yes, snopes may be run by liberals. So what? The site provides full, verifiable information. It has years and years of happy users.

So don’t let some intimation of, well, liberal-ness, stop you from using a web site with a fine reputation. Or pursue full information at all. After all, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and the rest of the Founding Fathers were liberals looking for full information. Why aren’t you proud to have at least one of those attributes?

Or is it more comfortable to just sneer falsely at the corruption of Bernie Sanders?

You tell me.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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