Something new for this non-astronomer: a red nova is predicted to occur in the next 4-5 years, as noted on the D-brief blog by Nathaniel Scharping:
Contact Binary System
Image: ESO/L. CalçadaIt seems that the stars [making up KIC 9832227]’ rate of rotation, as measured by periodic dips in brightness, has been speeding up noticeably in the few years it has been observed. Based on models of contact binary star behavior, the two should meet in an incandescent bear hug in 2022, give or take a year or so. This kind of event, called a luminous red nova, has only been observed a few times, and for a few months should shine brightly in the heavens, even to the naked eye.
A contact binary is a binary system in which the atmospheres of the two stars are shared. This will be seen near Cygnus. I do not know my constellations, but perhaps I should learn.