Continuing the fun, the man to lead the Department of Enery, former Governor Perry of TX, isn’t a nuclear physicist – and that’s the point of the DoE. Jeffrey Lewis on The Daily Beast put it quite nicely:
But in recent years, the trend has been to appoint a Secretary of Energy with real technical expertise. President Bush appointed Samuel Bodman, who had a distinguished career as an MIT-trained chemical engineer before making a fortune in the private sector. President Obama upped the ante, appointing Berkeley’s Steven Chu and MIT’s Ernest Moniz to the position. Both are physicists. Chu has a Nobel Prize. By contrast, Perry took four chemistry courses and got two Cs, a D and an F. He got a C in physics. And a D in something called “Meat.”
So did Perry apologize to Trump or not? After all, Perry did say:
“He is without substance when one scratches below the surface. He offers a barking carnival act that can be best described as Trumpism: A toxic mix of demagoguery and mean-spiritedness and nonsense that will lead the Republican Party to perdition if pursued,” Perry said. “Let no one be mistaken — Donald Trump’s candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, and it must be clearly diagnosed, excised and discarded.”
Bankruptcy looming? Was he just drinking that night and didn’t mean it?
Or no cojones?
If I must be, reluctantly, open-minded, then perhaps Perry hopes to offer mature guidance to Trump. Although it’s not clear that Trump has any interest in that sort of thing.