Presidential Debate #2

Tonight’s second Presidential debate of the 2016 campaign takes place against a backdrop of Republican uproar over the recent revelations of not only Trump’s coarse attitudes towards women, but, as Steven Benen says,

In effect, Donald Trump’s top campaign surrogate told a national television audience this morning, “Yes, the Republican presidential candidate boasted about committing sexual assault, but we have no idea whether or not he was telling the truth.” [bold mine]

Will there be a debate tonight? As a town hall style debate, will the questions be affected by the uproar? Will Trump simply quit before, during, or after – or suffer a nervous breakdown? Or accuse Clinton of committing indecencies as well? For those who sometimes consider politics to be entertainment, this may be be a supreme moment.

This will be a live-blog, so if you’re checking in during the debate, refresh this post. Comments? Use the mail link on the right, as always.

7:33 – anyone not watching the debate is a curmudgeon or has no sense of high drama.

7:38 – And before the fun begins, CNN reports Trump has trotted out some women who accuse Bill of poor behavior:

Trump holds surprise event with Clinton accusers

Donald Trump held a surprise news conference before the debate with four women — three who have accused Bill Clinton of improper behavior and one who criticizes Hillary Clinton for defending a man she says victimized her.

The women were Paula Jones, who has accused Bill Clinton of propositioning her and exposing himself; Juanita Broaddrick, who claims Clinton sexually assaulted her; Kathy Shelton, who says Hillary Clinton defended a man who victimized her; and Kathleen Willey, who claims Bill Clinton groped her.

All four are expected to be in the audience tonight.

More on Bill Clinton’s history is here: … and more on the Shelton case is here: …

As for Broaddrick, who Trump has retweeted several times this weekend as he attempts to deflect his own scandal, when subpoenaed in relation to the Paula Jones case, Broaddrick filed an affidavit denying she was assaulted. She later changed her story. Ken Starr’s team thoroughly investigated her claim and noted in his exhaustive Whitewater Report that Broaddrick had changed her story.

Fireworks already. My Arts Editor thinks Hillary …

… should simply state that when she married Bill, it was “… ’til death do us part,” something which Trump obviously doesn’t understand.

And then maybe smile sweetly at Donald.

8:00 – ‘Prepare to be slimed’ – AE.

8:02 – Is Bill in the town hall, along with the accusers?

8:05 – No shaking of hands this time. Social ettiquette?

8:09 – Clinton responds to the role model question with a clear, easily understandable response about bringing everyone agree. Trump agrees with Clinton, “with everything she said.” Now an attack on ACA, Iran deal – sounds like a lie about the money. Harps on trade deficit – but is that a big deal? Way beyond the role model question, though – not an easy question.

8:12 – Now Anderson gets to bring up the elephant in the room. Trump compares it to ISIS, etc, as a way to trivialize it. It ignores the fact that attitudes count. Trump is basically running from the question by diverting to ISIS and immigration.

8:14 – Clinton drags the conversation back to the question. She is thoughtful, while the split screen shows Trump carefully not interrupting. Good for both of them. “We are great because we are good”, it’s not a bad slogan – it gets causation right.

8:16 – Trump’s strategy is to ignore the controversy and try to accuse Clinton of failure. “Words, words, words.”

8:19 – Now Trump has great respect for everyone. And Bill is the worst in the history of American politics? He’s naive. Now he’s making unsuppor ted accusations – and the audience applauds. Sad.

8:20 – Clinton responds by ignoring the accusations. Probably wise. It’s not entirely true that Donald has never apologized – even if it’s grudging. Now the mud is being slung with vigor. Who will this benefit more? Pence in 4 years? Trump doubles down. Boring.

8:24 – Up comes the Schulz scandal, which sounds awful but may not be. “I hate to say it” what is he trying to say? Clinton is laughing at him – literally. What does he mean by “acid-washing” emails?? Did she throw her hard drive into an acid bath?

8:26 – the audience cheers again?

8:28 – Now an interrupt – and the moderators permit it. I notice the number of deleted emails keeps going up? Clinton says, “Not true, not true.” Hahahaha diversion diversion diversion!

8:31 – a good ACA question, so now we’re off to the problem of growing healtcare premiums. She has plans, which she doesn’t describe, but notes the ACA has good effects for everyone – “save what works” about the ACA.

8:33 – Donald, many countries don’t have health insurance, so his comment is silly. Accuses ACA of enforcing monopolies. Now we get HUUUGE promises. How foolish are we to buy his promises without plans?

8:35 – Clinton asked to clarify her husband’s comment about “crazy.” She’s forced on defense.

8:37 – Trump wants to condemn the whole thing. He wants to retreat to the free market – which was failing before, so why think it’ll work this time? Block grants – a traditional GOP approach.

8:41 – A question about Islamophobia. AE wants to report Trump right now, as he says Muslims should be reporting problems – as if they’re responsible for it. Muslims won’t vote for him. Back to this meaningless whine about “radical muslim terrorists”. But Trump has gotten over his jitters and is smooth at the moment. Clinton responds with her own plans, and notes current allies do not want to work with Trump.

8:46 – Moderator repeats Trump’s quote about Muslims. Moderator wants a specific answer, and Trump calls it extreme vetting. Trump insists on scaring the electorate about refugees that are not checked. Clinton reminds us that we welcome refugees, then begins to mention Russia, which will be a future theme, I suspect. Rejects banning refugees based on religion, mentions ‘religious tests’ – against our principles, but no doubt makes sense to those who center their lives on religion. Puts the knife in about Iraq and Trump.

8:47 – I wonder if Sanders regrets saying Clinton has bad judgment. Trump’s mentioned it 3 times.

8:50 – Private positions vs public positions. Clinton mentions Lincoln, and that Lincoln was using a strategy. Now a transition to Russian hackers, so she can’t stick to the questions either. More and more …. tax returns. Ieieie.

8:52 – Donald knows nothing about Russia. God, now we’re back to the post office in D.C., whatever that is. Now he pays millions of dollars in taxes – but still no returns.

8:55 – A question about making the wealthy pay their share. Donald pivots it into an attack as if a lone Senator could change the tax code. Nor could the President, either. Taxes, low taxes vs high taxes. Now he’s babbling – GDP of 7%? Maybe he just dropped a word.

8:57 – Hillary is tired of saying he’s lying. She presents her plan – it’s specific, something to be evaluated. Do you trust Big Promises, or specific plans? Now she hangs the zero taxes thing on his neck.

9:00 – How does he know other billionaires use these legal loopholes?

9:01 – She’s created and pushed a healthcare plan, Donald. She doesn’t do things? Clinton now cites her achievements. Donald has nothing but words, words, words. (Yes, he said “words, words, words.”).

9:02 – Trump is desperate to call her a failure. He’s an iconic bully and sexist, isn’t he?

9:06 – Syria – Clinton states the situation – avoiding the question? But it’s a hard question, needs context. Blames Russia for some of the problem. A clean answer so far … although Russia’s getting hit. Now she cites her accomplishments and dances around Trump.

9:07 – Russia is new in nuclear, America is old and tired? WHAT? Does have ANY IDEA? None. Clinton is laughing.

9:11 – Moderator reminds Trump that Pence wants to open war against Syria. Trump repudiates openly. My oh my. Trump wants to tell the Generals how to run a war. This is an idiot. The moderator yells at him. He is openly populist, while in the meantime ISIS is falling back under the current strategy. He’s just scaring people.

9:13 – Clinton responds directly to the question, but the moderator wants more, so she gives it. Trump tries to rattle her by interrupting. She seems coherent to me. Trump is trying to look superior as specific plans come forth. He thinks she should shut up on some bizarre idea that we need to keep everything secret.

9:17 – back to domestic. Inner cities. Does Donald have any clue on how hollow he sounds when he accuses her of doing nothing, only talking, when that’s all he’s EVER done? Never having served, and a horrible private record. This let’s her cite her accomplishments again. Still, both candidates have to say that, yes, they will be devoted to all citizens. Ouch, “The Trump Effect”!

9:19 – Moderator asks for clarification on “deplorables”. She gives a general answer, stating that she wants to unite us. Donald is off on a scare run again, high crime and “she has hate in her heart.”

9:21 – Trump refuses to answer the question about discipline, but wants to bring up the failed (8 investigations that found NOTHING) Benghazi tragedy. Now Clinton says Trump doesn’t have the discipline. Accomplishments again.

9:23 – Trump can’t resist interrupting with another lie about economic growth.

9:28 – Clinton says expected things about SCOTUS. Trump wants Scalia II, is staying with a safe answer. Claims he’s self-funding his campaign, now slips in intimation of corruption of Clinton, where she may not get a chance to retort. She fails to retort to the corruption problem.

9:33 – Fossil fuels question, Trump wants to safeguard an industry that is poisoning the atmosphere. Oh, Clean Coal will make everything gold plated again, will it? This guy’s so dumb. Now he’s naming states that are suffering – also battleground states. Clinton returns the mud slinging, accuses China of dumping steel and Trump is buying it. Now talks about energy independence, and mentions her plan and climate change – thank goodness. Says she has a plan to revitalize coal country.

9:35 – hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Question of the night – what does each respect in the other. Clinton respects Donald’s children. Really? From what little I’ve read they sound like idiots. Trump thanks her. He respects that she never quits, never gives up, she fights hard.

Did they shake hands at the end? Apparently they did.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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