From the mailbag comes this dubious suggestion:
Why didn’t we think of this? A lot cheaper as well as you can tell who is guilty and who is innocent as for as their presence at a riot that gets out of hand.
Don’t you just love it?
The Israelis have done it again
This should be standard riot control equipment for all law enforcement agencies.
Great idea? Watch the video link at the bottom.Forget the wall; just put sprayers all along the southern border with sensors.
Might have saved lots of store fronts in Baltimore and Ferguson……….
The U.S. needs to get some of this for the looters in any out of control demonstrations.
Israelis crowd control method…..
NOW WE ARE TALKING….BRILLIANTSkunk spray! Leave it to the Israelis to come up with this ingenious crowd control method! For those who want less violent means used in handling protests, this seems to be the perfect fit. This is a riot control weapon that really works. It’s a non-toxic, non-lethal, but very effective. The Palestinians want it banned because it makes them feel degraded. I wonder how long the aroma lasts on a demonstrator. Looks like these guys may be eating outside for a while rather than around the family dinner table. Great stuff; the Israeli biomedical engineers have done it again.
Here’s the problem I have with using this against Americans.
They’re Americans.
This makes some sense for what is basically two countries with low-level hostility toward each other, even if Israel officially doesn’t really like the idea of a two state solution. Harmless but foul – if they’re not your citizens. I can see arguments for and against.
But the author of this email is advocating this as a way to break up American protests, and protests happen for a reason. The author of this email doesn’t see a protest as a legitimate form of communication with governments that sometimes need a good slap upside the head; for this writer, all protests are just an irritant, the protesters illegitimate. Well, sorry, but protests are a very important part of the political scene, and if they irritate you, maybe that’s the point. Maybe it’s good for you.
And the reference to looters – as if this happens every day of the week in America. No, it doesn’t, and it’s huge news when it does every few years. Is the writer advocating equipping every police force in the country with this equipment for events that so very rarely happen?
At what ruinous cost?
Is this guy an idiot?