Using Colin Kaepernick, Ctd

A reader remarks on my email rebuttal:

Too bad there’s not enough time to rebut every trash email like this.

Regarding the racist/religious-bigot aspect included in this email, the most recent issue of The Economist has an article about research they did to find out the nature of supporters of Donald Trump. To my surprise, the factors I thought would be top were not, but instead racist, religious bigot tendencies came out on top. Trump is the new dog whistle, according to the article.

Yes, what Donald has to say dovetails neatly with what they want to hear – which are promises of how he’s going to return them to greatness, without the burden of actually explaining how he’ll get there. Couple this with the current pack of journalists tendency to chronicle Hillary’s every coughing fit as if it were somehow relevant to her explicit priorities and plans of how to implement those priorities, and it’s keeping Donald somewhat close in the race.

I still believe that every time a journalist catches Donald in a lie or is trying to put forth a bit of fantasy, they should just start jeering, “Liar, Liar!” Just do it. Teach him to quit trying to lie his way to victory.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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