
NewScientist (26 March 2016) covers some more of Pluto’s grandeur:

Pluto’s bedrock is water ice, a substance as hard as granite at Pluto’s surface temperature of -240 °C. On the north-western flank of Sputnik Planum this ice-rock forms the jumbled peaks of the al-Idrisi range.

These kilometre-high mountains are possibly floating on denser nitrogen ice below – or may once have floated, only to become beached. “It looks like you took a surface, cracked it up, and shoved the pieces up into the corner of Sputnik Planum,” says Umurhan. What could have done that is a mystery.


Four more wondrous photos and topics covered by NewScientist here.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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