R.I.P., Mischief

Reposting from Facebook:

Today was the last day for Mischief, our little black princess. At the age of 12 years, 8 months, the cancer in her lungs claimed her and she was put to sleep by our local vet, who took very good care of her and us today. She seemed to be pain-free as she left, our voices in her ears, but I fear the lack of oxygen had dulled her intellect today. Yesterday she staggered to her feet and gave me a very good ankle bump, so I think she was still cognitively intact then.

I know people are dying all around, even a few friends, or relatives of friends, but the pain of losing this kitty is still sharp, a kitty who very nearly never did anything wrong, who missed her step-mom when she died (an elderly tortie), who loved her brother and was always ready with an ankle bump for us, who accepted Deb very quickly, and was simply beautiful for us every day of the year. She even understood the towel could be used for elimination in the last few weeks and used it meticulously.

Goodbye, Mischief. We will miss you dearly.

Mischief is the cat on the right.

(Updated 8/26/2016 for missing picture)

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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