An Early Case Of Out Of Control Artificial Intelligence?

Shit, I don’t know. I was just about to quit reading for the night when a last glance at Retraction Watch yielded up this pointer to an alleged paper in IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education on, well, the title should probably tell all:

Nobel Prize Physiology 2017 (for their discoveries of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm) is On Fiction as There Is No Molecular Mechanisms of Biological Clock Controlling the Circadian Rhythm. Circadian Rhythm Is Triggered and Controlled By Divine Mechanism (CCP – Time Mindness (TM) Real Biological Clock) in Life Sciences.

Can an artificial intelligence – of which we have no known general forms – suffer from dementia? Or – as I am far more inclined to think – is this just a randomly generated collection of nonsense? The author is …

Dr V M Das, Das Nursing Home, Fatehgarh, India University Of God.

In case you’re wondering, there is a University of God website, but whether or not they’re connected to this is not clear. Back to the fun, here’s the start of the Abstract:

Mind, the inner most box of nature has not been investigated by modern physicists. Mind has not been incorporated in Standard model. Mind can only be studied by participatory science. Having searched Basic building blocks of the universe i.e. mass part of reality, we have also investigated mind part of reality and finally two fundamental particles with mind and mass realities are hypothesized. Now we discuss how to further investigate mind so as to know their structures and functions. Atomic genetics is the branch of science where we investigate about fundamental interactions of the universe i.e. atomic transcription and translations. New words have been coined to understand hidden science of mind part of reality.. We are set of informations (Code PcPs). Informations (Code PcPs) never die. The theory predicts that Informations (Code PcPs) could be recreated. Hence dead cell could be made Alive only by Highest center of the universe (Almighty B.B.B). To understand real biological clock and to understand circadian rhythm triggering and regulation , we have to understand Basic Building block ( mind CCP, Code PcPs and CP , mass realities ) ( Fig 1)

I think I’ll just hope this is another hoax paper, used to expose journals as merely predatory. But it’s impressive hoaxing, because it’s giving me a headache even as I chuckle.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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