The Emperor Palpatine Is My Citation

A few weeks ago Neuroskeptic reported on his recent “sting”, using text from Wikipedia concerning Star Wars, of suspected predatory science journals, and how one had fun with him:

Two journals requested me to revise and resubmit the manuscript. At JSM Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (JSciMedCentral) both of the two peer reviewers spotted and seemingly enjoyed the Star Wars spoof, with one commenting that “The authors have neglected to add the following references: Lucas et al., 1977, Palpatine et al., 1980, and Calrissian et al., 1983”. Despite this, the journal asked me to revise and resubmit.

At the Journal of Molecular Biology and Techniques (Elyns Group), the two peer reviewers didn’t seem to get the joke, but recommended some changes such as reverting “midichlorians” back to “mitochondria.”

There were several which requested publication fees, and then printed it anyways. Clumsy assholes, them. At least the above guys recognized the sting. Maybe they’re legit.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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